Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Girls Gone Scrappin crop and New Laptop Skin

I belong to a crop club called Girls Gone Scrappin that meets one Saturday a month for a 12 hour crop and includes a pot luck dinner.  At this time there are 8 members who take turns rotating houses to host the crop.  We have gone on 3 weekend retreats as well.  This past Saturday a few girls, Kim and Ana, only stopped by to say hello.  Another girl, Ali, cropped for the first half of the day.  Only four of us were left by dinnertime when we took the photos.

Angie Kyle, Joan McLendon, Katie McDaniel and Casandra Garrett
Joan's Italian Dinner

I love my laptop skin from http://www.skinit.com/. I created my own custom design on my CM Stoybook Creator Plus, saved it on my computer and then uploaded it as a picture into Skinit's site.